Week 2: High Vibes Meal Planning

Last week we considered our cooking intentions and cleared our pantry clutter.  This week is all about getting connected to the healthy foods that you enjoy. 

Menu brainstorming ||| Make a list of all your favorite healthy foods and come up with recipes that you can easily execute.  Organize your lists by what you like to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. While planning your meals it is helpful to look at your week as a whole to create a balanced diet, instead of focusing on each day.  For example, look to eat more protein and complex carbohydrates on days you work out, and eat a lighter protein load on days you rest. 
Make time to indulge || Don’t forget to schedule in days or meals to indulge. This is just as important as focusing on strict eating.  Food is an important part of culture and celebration, and nobody likes to feel deprived. This is a great way to stay connected to the people around you and enjoy festivities, and to remain balanced. 
On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you feel so inclined, you may want to try a soup or juice fast. If you embark on a fast that is longer than 1 day, please seek the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist you trust.
Be inspired || If you having a hard time coming up with meal ideas, hop on the internet and do a few quick searches on your favorite websites; also consider buying or checking out from the library a few healthy cookbooks to get the creative juices flowing.  Remember, eat what you like.  If you don't like kale, don't force yourself to eat it.  Trying to eat things you don’t like will eventually backfire. And eating should be a comforting, pleasant experience, not a chore.
Eating healthy has become a radical choice in today's fast-paced world.  Set yourself up for victory by working with your own desires, not against them. Next week we will guide you through creating a shopping list and choosing the right grocery store or market for your needs. In case you missed week one of Kitchen Adventures read the full post HERE.

Jenny Schwartz lives in Brooklyn, NY and works with folks to develop a personal spiritual practice of their own. Focusing on connecting with nature, seasonal rhythms and their true self.

Image Source || Death to the Stock