Natural Medicine Cabinet || Summer Essentials
July 05, 2016Bug Bites || If you catch yourself with an itchy bite from a horsefly, mosquito, or gnat you can apply lavender essential oil to the bite directly to soothe and minimize irritation. Spider/tick bites require medical attention to rule out anything serious. To keep bugs at bay, liberally apply Soapwalla’s The Spray to yourself and friends all day!
Sunburn || If you’ve fallen asleep on the beach (so relaxing, it’s hard not to) or lost track of time playing outside you’ve no doubt experienced the unwelcome sting of a sunburn. Here are a few natural ways to minimize the discomfort:
- Apply aloe vera gel directly to burnt skin to soothe and cool the area down. You can also apply heavily diluted apple cider vinegar (1 tsp to 8 oz water) – we recommend dipping a washcloth in this concoction and lightly draping over the area.
- Apply our Essential or Hydrating Facial Toning Mist You can also use the wash cloth trick above using our Toning Mists!.
- Once the burn subsides,, apply a moisturizing oil like our Resilience Pregnant Belly Oil on the affected area. Don’t let the name fool you, it’s not just for pregnant ladies! This oil is a luxurious blend of ingredients that nourish and soothe itchy, dry skin while encouraging collagen regeneration.
- Meadowfoam, jojoba, apricot kernel, sweet almond, and black currant seed oils hydrate and heal damaged skin, providing a nurturing boost of antioxidants in combination with Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
- Rosehip seed oil, chock full of trans-retinoic acid, and is a powerhouse for skin rejuvenation.
Scrapes || A successful summer adventure is bound to leave behind a scrape or two. Before bandaging, wash the area well with a gentle antibacterial soap like our hand-cut Eucalyptus Soap Bar. Once the cut is scabbed, you can spritz with The Spray for added bacteria-fighting properties!