What can you do to make the world a better place? At Soapwalla, we believe that you don’t need a holiday to start taking care of the earth. That’s why our products have minimal packaging for minimal waste, plus everything is recyclable! And already know we are seriously devoted to our ingredient list. That means nothing toxic and nothing that is going to negatively impact the environment.

Want to get green with us? 

Check out these easy ways to reduce your footprint today

-This quiz is a great jumping off point for starting the discussion on being environmentally friendly. Don’t feel too guilty with your results, we like to think of this as a reminder of all of the easy small changes we all can make that add up to a big difference. 

-Support your local parks. Green spaces are disappearing and its up to all of us to put in an effort to stop that. 

-Reduce your waste. Think about packaging, always carry a water bottle that you can refill and reusable shopping bags. Recycle what you can and also compost what you can. Here are some great tips for reusing packaging from Soapwalla products.

-Shop stores that are also green-friendly. Minimal packaging, recyclable packaging and non-toxic ingredients are key things to look out for.

-Although Soapwalla products are entirely vegan and cruelty-free, we support people eating whatever diet is best for their personal health and happiness. That being said, meat is a major staple in many diets, and just cutting it out of your meals for a day or two each week can make a huge difference in energy usage and pollution. 

This doesn’t have to feel like a chore! And no, you don’t have to completely change your lifestyle to be a bit more green. In fact, you may enjoy taking a bike ride instead of a drive, or trying out some new grains and veggies for a meatless Monday